Energy And Chemicals

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The Energy & Chemical Industry generates excess amounts of CO2 either from chemical/thermal processes or from combustion. CO2 is also present in natural gas. In most cases, CO2 is not recovered but vented to atmosphere.

There are options, however, to recover, purify and liquefy the CO2 and turn it into valuable products. At Pentair Union Engineering we have decades of experience with profitable sustainable solutions.

We are an innovative company offering advanced CO2 technologies and plants and with a broad spectrum of services we enable you to make good business of your CO2.

Choose Products & Technologies for specific plants and solutions or contact us for further information.


Valuable expertise in exploration and production of oil and gas
Bringing crude oil or raw gas to the surface is one thing in the upstream industry. To get the most out of your effort is another. This is what we at Union Engineering are best at.

Natural gas may contain CO2 up to very high percentages (>75%) but before the natural gas can be used in (petro) chemical or combustion processes, the CO2 needs to be removed. The resulting gas will have high purity, depending on the CO2 recovery technology applied.

Chemical or physical absorbers (amines and alcohols) are widely used in the industry. Natural-gas processing plants can purify raw natural gas from:

  • Underground gas fields

  • Associated gas

Whatever your challenge or need is, Union Engineering has the technology and expertise to support you in removing the CO2 from your natural gas stream and purify the CO2 to levels that can be used for further processing.


CO2 Enhanced oil recovery
25 % or more of a reservoir’s original oil in place can be extracted additionally by using Enhanced Oil Recovery techniques. These figures make EOR an essential part of the business.

Various techniques are in use but CO2 has turned out to be a very efficient solution and is the fastest-growing technique.

Until recently, most of the CO2 used for EOR has come from naturally occurring reservoirs. But new technologies are being applied to recover CO2 from industrial applications such as:

  • Natural Gas Processing

  • Ammonia/Fertilizer and Ethanol production

  • Hydrogen plants and Ethylene Oxide plants

As a global leader in CO2 technology Union Engineering is a reliable and trustworthy partner when it comes to EOR projects.


Valuable expertise in processing and refining oil and gas
In the downstream processing industry, there are numerous places where CO2 is produced and considered a by-product. In most cases, this by-product is removed from the process stream and vented to the atmosphere.

CO2 however, can be a valuable by-product and should be recovered, purified, and re-used in the Hydrocarbon Processing industry. Examples of processes that co-produce CO2 are:

  • Hydrogen production

  • Gasification of hydrocarbons (refinery residue, coal)

  • Biomass gasification

  • Production of ethylene oxide.


At Union Engineering we have years of well-proven experience in turning these raw gas streams into a profitable business for you.

Flue gases
The (refined) fossil fuel is often burnt to generate heat and/or power. All of these combustion processes create vast amounts of CO2 in the flue gasses. Also here, Union Engineering has tremendous expertise and technologies to recover the CO2 and make it fit for re-use.


Biogas - a sustainable energy resource with many possibiiities
The relatively low-value biogas generated from the digestion of biologically degradable matters can be extracted and sweetened to Biomethane, meeting natural gas pipeline specifications.

More intensive purification even offers to meet LNG specifications. This allows ships and trucks to run on renewable environmentally friendly liquefied Bio Gas, LBG. As plants grow in size, as a way to increase profitability from the plant, CO2 utilization can be added.

We offer different chemical and physical absorption technologies. Depending on the requirements for final pressure in the biomethane or feasibility of utilizing the steam needed for amine processes, a Selexol based process can be a better option.


For LBG production, we often recommend an MDEA design in combination with TSA for polishing. This ensures the lowest possible operational cost while still ensuring the extremely low CO2 and H2O levels in the biomethane.

The high concentration CO2 purity raw gas leaving the biomethane or LBG upgrade unit, makes it feasible for further purification and liquefaction. We have developed several technologies that can remove traces of COS and aromatic hydrocarbons, remaining after a standard distillation process. These steps can secure food and beverage grade quality.

If you are interested in further information about our services and supplies, or if you want to discuss a specific question or application, please visit


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