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Brewery Stiegl, Salzburg, Austria


CO2/O2 Measurenemt


Portable device. Single or continuous measurement. Suitable for liquids and gases. Fast response time. Minimal maintenance.

the c-dgm - an indispensable  tool for stiegl

Brewing on centuries of tradition, Stiegl, the largest privately held brewery in Austria offers a wide range of specialty beer ranging from the top-fermented Stiegl Weisse (wheat beer) to the alcohol-free Sport Weisse to beer-lemonade mixes in addition to classic beers. The portfolio also includes special editions and seasonal beers like the Stiegl Christmas ale and the deep black Extra Stout with cacao flavor.

To adequately produce the specialty beers, Stiegl put a separate 100,000 hectoliter brewhouse into operation in 2011. In addition to beer production, the new hall houses water deaeration, carbonation, centrifugation, flash pasteurizer, and topfermented yeast production.

“Everything is smaller, more handoperated and more flexible here in the specialty brewhouse – and so we had to have appropriate measurement technology for the two key parameters CO2 and O2,” said Brewmaster Heinrich Gugg, who is responsible for production from the brewhouse to filtration. “For this reason we chose the portable c-DGM Gehaltemeter from Pentair Haffmans, which provides both analysis with just one sampling.”

The c-DGM measures reliably in every matrix, without any sample pre-treatment necessary.”

- Heinrich Gugg, Brewmaster

The c-DGM combines the internationally accepted determination of the dissolved carbon dioxide content with a highly accurate dissolved oxygen measurement. At Stiegl the c-DGM is used at the fermentation and storage tanks, the tank wagon, the blending station, and in the nonalcoholic beer production. As a result the spectrum of turbidity values, colors and CO2 contents that the c-DGM has to cope with is broad. In this surrounding the significant advantages of the device become obvious.

“The c-DGM measures reliably in every matrix, without any sample pre-treatment necessary,” Gugg said. “Just connect the device and let the liquid flow into the device until it is bubble-free. This is all it takes for a reproducible CO2 and O2 measurement. Moreover, the device is easy to operate and easy to calibrate. For us it has become an indispensable tool in the specialty cellar.”

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